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2021... What a Year! Reflecting Back with Gratitude

Writer's picture: Victoria ScottVictoria Scott

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

As we come to the end of the year – and what a year it has been! – it’s natural to reflect on what we’ve accomplished. It’s also natural to immediately focus on our flaws and our failures.

I am choosing to reflect on what I’m grateful for because that’s something most of us don’t do often enough, even though those accomplishments are fuel to keep us going. I’m reflecting on things that I may have forgotten, overlooked, or just not appreciated at the time.

I’m grateful that I finished my coach training, got two certifications, and launched my own business. I’m grateful for my clients. I’m grateful that I get to help people. I’m grateful for my journey to get to here.

I’m grateful that I unlearned some things that weren’t serving me. I’m grateful that I challenged my own beliefs, my priorities, my own “should’s” and “have to’s”, my own patterns and defaults. I’m grateful that I’m able to do something that really matters to me. I’m grateful to feel like I’m making a difference. I’m grateful that I was able to lose a bit my pandemic padding. I’m grateful that I created a more realistic exercise routine that I can actually stick to. I’m grateful that in spite of my irrational fear of going to the doctor, I did that and made my health a priority.

I’m grateful for all the extra time I’ve gotten to spend with my family. I’m grateful that my son turned four years old this year. I’m grateful for how happy he is. I’m grateful we were able to potty train him when he was still three.

I’m grateful that I’ve gotten to know myself better. I’m grateful that I made over 40 videos and even more blog posts to help people. I’m grateful for the personal challenges I’ve conquered and for the ones I haven’t. I’m grateful for the new friends I’ve made and for reconnecting with old ones. I’m grateful for the vaccine and I’m grateful that my son will be able to get it soon. I’m grateful that I started painting again. I’m grateful for my personal freedom. I’m grateful I reconnected with my creativity.

All this gratitude doesn’t mean things were easy and they’re not always supposed to be. It doesn’t mean that I don’t have bad days and BAD DAYS. It doesn’t mean that I didn’t have to start over more than once. It doesn’t mean that my forward path of progress didn’t seem decidedly backwards. It doesn’t mean that there weren’t moments that I wanted to give up.

I’m grateful that I’m still here and that I’ve made it through another year.

What are you grateful for?


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