Self-care is about taking time to recharge your own batteries so you can take care of everything you need to do.
Self-Care isn’t selfish! Let me say that again. SELF-CARE ISN’T SELFISH!
Many of my clients give a lot to others, but they don’t take time for themselves. They don’t make themselves a priority. When I ask my clients if they would still expect their car to run without any gas, they sheepishly say no. But it’s not the same – because they can still run on empty and the car can’t!
Who can be the best version of themselves when they’re feeling empty inside? Why does taking time to recharge have to be selfish? Why don’t we instead view self-care as essential, required, mandatory for us to do for ourselves in order to be our best selves for the important people in our lives.
There’s a valid reason why when you’re on the airplane they tell you to put your mask on first before helping others. You literally will die and you might not even finish getting the other person’s mask on and they might die too.
Sure, you can keep going when you’re empty. You can go through the motions and do all the things. But are you really present? What’s affecting how you’re showing up, how you’re interacting, how you’re reacting? Exhaustion? Resentment? Anger? Frustration? Sadness? If you think that how you’re feeling doesn’t impact the people around you, you’re mistaken. Is this the version of you that your loved ones deserve? Is it the version of you that you deserve?
Let’s instead make sure to take time to recharge our own batteries – whatever that looks like for you – so we can let go of stress in a healthy way and be the present, powerful people we are.
What does self-care look like for you? A walk outside? A swim? Dancing? Singing? Gardening? Painting? Give yourself – and give all the important people in your life – the gift of making that a priority this week.
I’d like you to tell me one way you’re going to care for yourself this week. And if you’re short on ideas, check out my blog post about stress relief to get some ideas. I’ll be back tomorrow with my final tip.