I recently I earned my Professional Coaching Certification (PCC) certification from the International Coaching Federation (ICF)!

This is a major accomplishment for me – it means that I have taken 125+ hours of coach-specific training from an authorized provider, have logged five times more coaching experience then required for my last ACC certification, and have passed a rigorous assessment in coaching competencies and ethical standards set by ICF, the recognized governing body that sets the “gold standard” for coaching qualifications.
Beyond that, it means two more things for my clients that I think are pretty important:
You can trust that I am who I say I am. Anyone can wake up one day and call themselves an executive coach. With my 20+ years of leadership experience and professional certifications, I think that would have been a reasonable path for me. In my professional experience, certifications mean something so I chose to put in more than 160 hours of coach-specific training, more than 500 hours of coaching experience, and passed an exam that, for me, was just as challenging as PMP exam. All to demonstrate my qualifications to my clients.
I walk my own talk. One of the biggest lessons I learned in my coaching journey is that the hardest part of it all is the work I do on myself – both on my own and with my own coach. I am constantly working on my own self-improvement, following all the same tools and techniques that I share with my coaching clients. It is an absolute must for me to continue working on myself in order to be the best coach I can to my clients. They definitely deserve it.
You may be thinking about coaching and wondering if I’m the right coach for you. That’s why I offer a free consultation to see if it’s a fit for us to work together. Schedule your free consult today at www.victoriascottcoaching.com/schedule so we can discover just what’s possible for you.