This tip is about shifting your mindset. Last time we practiced examining our mindsets. You may even have landed on your deepest fear, the hidden motivator that most of us are unaware drives us. It's what motivates most people to avoid trying big things and motivates other people to never stop and never let up on themselves.
In both cases the motivation has the same reason: we don't want to prove that the thought is true.
It's the thought that may make you feel like a fraud, trigger that imposter syndrome. It's usually a "not good enough" thought. Maybe yours looks like one of these:
I'm not smart enough.
I'm not strong enough.
I'm not worthy enough.
These thoughts are usually there to protect us from moving out of our comfort zones because we can never fail if we never try. Most people either spend their entire lives collecting evidence to disprove the thought (evidence they never actually listen) to or they let the thought defeat them.
To shift your own mindset, try to look at the thought from a different perspective.
Think of it as being assigned to the opposite side of the debate. You can even consider how you would talk to a loved one who had the same thought in their lives.
Is it really true? How does it make you feel? Does it support you? What evidence is there to the contrary?
If you could believe a new thought that would support you better, what would that look like?
Your chosen thought could look like this:
I am smart.
I am strong.
I am always enough.
Try on the new thought and make sure it's just right for you. How does it make you feel? Is there evidence to support it? How does it support you?
The next time that negative thought shows up go ahead and examine it. How could it help you? What could it be there to teach you?
Once you've exhausted any benefit that it might provide, go ahead and put it down.
Pick up that new thought for yourself and see if that supports you better.
It can also help to remind yourself of your new thought when you first wake up in the morning and before you go to bed at night.
What new thought will you choose to support yourself?