This tip is about practicing your mindset. There is a reason I created a third message in this series about mindset! It is hard to change on your own and it does take practice and time.
One of my clients sends me videos that relate to topics that we've discussed; this is the homework they assign themselves to process what we've discussed between sessions.
Some of the advice that they send is absolutely fantastic …
… and most of it STILL gives me pause because it is hard to do on your own. That can be frustrating particularly if you felt stuck and you're being hard on yourself.
In one of these videos, a great coach gave an example of how to connect to what you really want by examining how you feel emotionally and within your body physically when you think about it.
Some people will be able to take that advice and run with it.
And some people won't.
Some of the clients that I work with are so burnt out, so frustrated, so stressed, so exhausted when we first start working together that an exercise like that might lead them to think that they just hate everything in life.
Those stressors prevent us from seeing things as they truly are.
When we're under a lot of pressure, we can become so numb that the things that we love can appear to be the same as the things that we hate.
Everything becomes a chore!
Some of my clients are nervous when we start working on mindset. If it was that easy, why didn't they figure out how to do it on their own? Because it's not that easy it takes commitment and practice.
As long as it took you to build up that habit of negative self-talk and believing negative thoughts, it's going to take just as long to build up those positive habits that support you.
As a coach, I'm outside the situation so I see things objectively. I also reflect back things that they're not noticing about themselves. I also ask them the questions that they’re not used to asking themselves. That's how I help my clients find the blind spots that they just can't see
So if you're just getting started in trying to shift your own mindset, be patient with yourself.
Realize that it's not going to happen overnight it's not going to happen perfectly every time. And that is okay. It doesn't mean that you should give up. And if you need support, reach out to a coach like me.
What will you do to support yourself in building the mindset that supports you best?