Do you have some goals you want to achieve this year? This message is for you!
It's about a week since New Year's and it's about a week since new year's and that's got me thinking about resolutions.
Maybe you're struggling to keep a resolution that you've made, maybe you gave up on your resolution on day four, or maybe you didn't even make a new year's resolution. If you do have some goals that you would like to achieve for yourself this year, this message is for you.
Start with a sanity check of your goal. What is the end result and what will that result give you? Lots of New Year's resolutions focus on actions but are we really clear on what the goal is? Maybe it's your goal to lose 10 pounds this year it sounds like that's a clear outcome, but what will that result give you?
How will you feel after those 10 pounds are gone?
How do you want to feel as you're working towards this goal and why are these things important to you?
How does your goal align with who you are your values and where you want to be in your life?
How will this goal support you in becoming your best self?
Chances are you're not used to asking yourself questions like this and I suggest that you get comfortable with it. After all, you've selected this goal that you're going to focus on for the entire year. You're going to spend a lot of your time, a lot of your effort, and a lot of your mental energy on the goal. Your time, your effort, and your mental energy are valuable. Wouldn't it make sense to be clear on the outcome before you start expending these precious resources? To take a moment to make sure that the goal that you've selected is just right for you? And to make sure that you're approaching the goal in a way that is healthy and sustainable?
I encourage you to make sure that your goal is framed on things that are within your span of control. Like it or not, weight loss isn't totally within our span of control because our bodies do things on their own without us. You do, however, have control over how you care for your body. Go ahead and reframe your goal around that.
Maybe your goal is to get a promotion this year. Again, not totally within your control. You can reframe your goal around the things that you can do to set yourself up to be fully prepared and fully qualified for whatever you want next in your career.
Framing our goals in this way makes sure that we take back any power that we may be giving away. Those original goals can then just become great side benefits instead.
And while we're sanity checking and reframing, is there anyone that you should check in with – a professional who might give you advice before you start down this path?
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