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Sometimes You Need to Stop and Make the Turtle Bread

Writer's picture: Victoria ScottVictoria Scott

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

Hi there! It’s been a while since I shared an update, and I have a lot to share with you!

A few months ago, I shared that I'd had surgery and was fine, and that I planned to take some time to recover and focus on other things.

Right before my last message, I learned that my childcare provider was not going to be available anymore. You’ll recognize it as a bit of a recurring theme if you’ve been following me, but this time it was permanent. It came at a time when I was finally healthy, feeling good physically, and getting to a new normal.

I would have to find a new childcare. Beyond that, my son was going to 5 years old and start kindergarten in the fall. I decided my priorities needed to be my family, my clients, and me – not just being ok, but really taking care of myself.

It was time for a bit of an inventory in all aspects of my life – a bit of spring cleaning to clear out anything that wasn’t working and build systems that really worked, not just enough to get by.

I wanted to turn this setback into an opportunity!

I love making videos and blogs to help people, and it's not easy. It’s a lot of work – writing content, refining it, organizing it, trying to get the most impactful information in short, digestible phrasing and videos. By taking a break from creating videos, I’d free up a lot of time. That seemed important considering that I create this valuable content for free. And I've made 50 videos in the past year!

So, I took the break and spent time with my family. We did Easter things and birthday things and more. It was easy enough to sign my son up for day camp at the place I'd vetted last year. I got us all signed up for grade K. I factored in time for a long weekend with family in over July 4th and a longer vacation later in the summer.

I changed my office hours and now I take Fridays for myself! I had a manicure, a pedicure, and a massage. I prefer art for my self-care, but don’t mind the other things occasionally. I practiced using watercolors, took some online lessons, and enjoyed practice time. Two of my friends asked for custom pieces, so I used that as a sign that it was finally time to set up my Etsy site that I’d been putting off at

What’s the result? My son is thriving and so are my clients!

One of my clients landed her dream job, three have started their job searches armed with polished resumes and interview practice, one has built efficiencies at work to create more time for themselves, and one just launched an online clothing boutique called 1104 Sycamore ( I just placed my first order), just to mention a few of my clients and a few of their wins. And they've all built new skills to manage stress and challenges!

As for me, I am still working on myself. Part being a coach means that I'll never stop working on myself – I need to keep doing the work and challenge myself in order to be the best coach I can be for my clients. I’m keeping my healthy goal of exercise, I’m enjoying my art and my clients, and I’m taking the time to celebrate and be grateful. I'm even working on another certification to keep honing my own skills.

I've given myself permission to be proud of myself without needing to be perfect. I've noticed how strong I’ve gotten, both physically and in my resilience and flexibility.

Last Friday when I was spending the day with my son, and he asked if we could make turtle bread. It's exactly what it sounds like – bread shaped like a turtle. It was definitely not on my agenda, but there was no reason not to, so we made it that day's project. I’d never made bread before. Even if it was a complete disaster, I knew the experience could be fun.

It’s easy to forget that the experience usually matters more than the outcome.

We made a list of what we needed, made a grocery trip together, and got started. It turned out great because I didn’t overthink it, I didn’t make it harder by anticipating that it would be hard, and I remembered to have fun while we did it. I highly recommend it!

Now, I need your help. I've been working on a few different video ideas and I’d love to hear what resonates with you most. Comment below or message me privately.

1. An update on my healthy goal and more tips for keeping yours

2. Energy Leadership - a powerful tool and one client's favorite part of working with me

3. When to take other people’s advice and when to leave it

4. Things you might not realize are keeping you from your full potential as a manager

5. Tips for managing stress at work and stress in general

Lastly, I’d love to take on one or two more clients this year. I’m never too busy for your referrals. If you’ve been thinking about coaching for yourself or know someone who could use coaching support, please feel free to share this with them. You can schedule your free 60-minute consult at


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