I created the Good Manager vs. Bad Manager video series because I wanted to share a message that everyone could relate to and laugh at with me.
Anyone who has been in either the employee or manager role has a take-away from these videos - validation, learning, or inspiration!

For anyone who has worked under a supervisor who makes “Bad Manager” choices – and I think that’s all of us – I wanted to validate that it’s not you! It’s ok to feel frustrated or angry and to want better treatment. Anyone who tells you to just toughen up or get a thicker skin is taking the easy way out because they don’t want to accept the challenge to do better.
This shouldn’t be the norm in our culture. We need to raise the standard of what we expect from managers and who earns the title of “Leader” over "Supervisor."
For anyone who has managed people, I think we have all made a few “Bad Manager” choices – I know I have. It doesn’t necessarily mean we’re bad people! Maybe you’re modeling what you saw in your managers or are just under tremendous stress. What's important is to remember our responsibility to continue to challenge ourselves to make better choices. Being a manager is hard, so these reminders about better choices will hopefully serve to renew your resolve to be the best manager you can be.
If you see yourself in the bad manager, I don’t want you to beat yourself up! I want to inspire you to make better choices for yourself and your employees.
That’s the awesome thing about choice - we are constantly presented with opportunities to make better ones and it really doesn’t cost us anything and it can pay off in dividends. If you find yourself struggling with some bad manager choices you regret, an apology goes a long way in building back trust and demonstrates strength of character.
I wanted to share an observation that someone made about the “Good Manager” from my very first video – she stops talking about work to ask the employee if she is ok. So many people tell me that a manager has never done that for them and it would make a world of difference if they did. Managers, pay attention! Kindness doesn’t cost anything.
If you were taught that makes you weak or that people won’t respect you, I suggest a re-examination of that lesson - is it really true and is it serving you and your employees?
For those managers who make “Good Manager” choices most of the time, good for you! I hope you feel validated and the “Good Manager” inspires you to keep growing.
The “Good Manager” is just the beginning! She she’s not perfect.
No one needs to be perfect to be a good manager.
Make it your goal to find the things that you like about about the Good Manager and think about how you could add your own style in a way that represents YOU and YOUR VALUES!
I have some more videos coming in this series that I’m excited to share, so stay tuned! Don’t forget to subscribe, like and share!
Does this resonate with you? Subscribe to www.victoriascottcoaching.com/subscribe to get copies of my free guides, 5 Signs You're Working for a Bad Manager and 5 Steps to Your Next Career This Year.
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