If you follow me on social media, you may have seen this graphic that I made to show why successful people have – or could really benefit from – coaching.

So, what does it mean? Experienced professionals know that as you advance in your career, moving into either more advanced expert roles or into supervisory, managerial, and executive leadership roles, your support system and your sounding board of people you can talk to reduces drastically!
Not only that – but the challenges and problems you used to face every day have become so much more complex! And you're seeing new challenges that you aren't even sure how to begin to get started on. Who can support you? Your peers and your manager could probably offer relevant advice, but there's a lot for you to consider before you ask them.
You may be in competition with your peers and that may make you hesitant to show anything that could be perceived as weakness to them. You might not want to ask your manager for advice the way you used to because you may worry they will lose faith in you if you reveal yourself to be imperfect.
As a result, as you continue to climb the corporate ladder, moving into senior management and executive roles, you may not be able to trust your peers or supervisor the way you used to because they have their own agendas and are focused on their own survival and success. They don't have the time to support you and any time they do give you usually is focused on what they need from you – not what they can do the support you.
Your friends and family don't understand the nuances of your situation and they give you advice that doesn't work. To be fair, they're biased in the best possible way, wanting only to support you and see you win. It's a nice feeling, but it doesn't help you move forward.
You're feeling isolated and you may hesitate to make decisions – fearful that if you make the wrong move, you're going to stumble and tumble all the way down that ladder you've worked so hard to climb.
Yikes! It's uncomfortable and you might just be feeling like an impostor, and worried that you're going to be exposed for everyone to see!
That's where a coach can do some of their most fulfilling work by supporting your continued success! A coach doesn't judge you – it's safe to let your guards down and talk openly and honestly about any challenge you're facing. They don't have any agenda or expectation about what you should be doing or what they think you're doing wrong – you're free to just be you with no pressure! As a result, the coach helps you find the answers that will serve you best – no one else's advice, no one else's agenda – only your own!
I coach experienced professionals, senior leaders, and executives to help them overcome their "Why can't I just" problem (see my other blog post for more on that) – making progress where they used to feel stuck, finding that "more" for themselves that's been missing, and helping them feel good again. I help my clients pivot their most overwhelming challenges into their biggest successes. How could life be different for you if you could overcome your own "Why can't I just" problem and have more confidence, more inner peace, more joy?
Many organizations will pay for coaching for their employees' professional development. Why not look into that for yourself?
If you're a corporate leader, consider how support like this from someone outside the organization could transform your own experts, high potential employees, new managers, and seasoned leaders into even better leaders with even higher performance. You want to support them, but you don't have the bandwidth and they might feel uneasy exposing their challenges to you. Coaching conversations are confidential so corporate clients don't have to worry about any negative impact on their career progression by exposing a perceived flaw. Not only am I a trained coach, I'm also a PMP-certified former senior corporate and federal leader. I can help your employees improve their management, leadership, and communication to get the best results for your organization. Check out more about the services I offer.
Did this post speak to you? Are you looking for your "more" but unsure about how to get it?
Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today. There's no pressure and I don't try to sell you anything. You bring your biggest challenges, where you are now, and where you want to be, and why. I ask you challenging questions to get more clarity for both of us and to open up more possibilities. Then I give you an on-the-spot assessment and recommendation about how I believe we can work together to achieve your goals. If you sign up to work with me, great! And if you're not ready, at least you'll have more clarity and a plan you can use to continue to work on things on your own. It's a win-win!
Still not sure? Read my testimonials to see how impactful just one session can be. Then subscribe to www.victoriascottcoaching.com/subscribe to get copies of my free guides, 5 Signs You're Working for a Bad Manager and 5 Steps to Your Next Career This Year.