Hey there! Victoria Scott here. I'm so excited to tell you about my next series of tips!
I actually asked you what you would like to hear about and the votes are in. My next series will be about Managing Stress at Work (and stress in general).
I have about eight videos each only about three minutes long and blog posts if you prefer reading to watching.
We'll look at the seven levels of energy developed by Bruce D. Schneider to understand what stress does to our energy, to our potential. We'll look at how stress is triggered and how we can challenge those thoughts and beliefs in order to reduce it. We'll also do a health check on your work environment so we can be realistic about how much of your stress is really within your control and how much is a result of your environment.
I'll share some things you can do in the moment when your stress is first triggered to reduce the intensity that you feel. We'll talk about leaning into your stress and using it to your advantage. We'll also talk about how you leave your stress behind when you're ready.
If this sounds like something you can use more of in your life, please take a moment to comment what you're most excited to learn about or message me privately to share.
Make sure you're following me on your favorite social media platform and subscribe to my website to make sure that you never miss a message.
Take care